En nuestra vida diaria, debemos ver que no es la felicidad lo que nos hace agradecidos, sino la gratitud lo que nos hace felices.

Translation: In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us thankful, but gratitude is what makes us happy.

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See in other languages:
  • Nas nossas vidas diárias, devemos ver que não é a felicidade que nos faz agradecidos, mas a gratidão é que nos faz felizes.
  • In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us thankful, but gratitude is what makes us happy.
  • Dans notre vie quotidienne, nous devons voir que ce n'est pas le bonheur qui nous rend reconnaissants, mais la gratitude est ce qui nous rend heureux.


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