
Love Quotes
145 posts
Best site to get your love quote daily quota!
Abraham Lincoln
2 posts
Abraham Lincoln fue uno de los presidentes más importantes de los Estados Unidos...
Albert Einstein
10 posts
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9 posts
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath who lived from 384-322 BCE. He is...
Bob Marley
1 post
Bob Marley was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician who became an interna...
Charles Chaplin
1 post
Charles Chaplin fue uno de los comediantes más importantes de la historia del ci...
Mahatma Gandhi
2 posts
Mahatma Gandhi fue uno de los líderes más importantes del siglo XX. Su lucha por...
Paulo Coelho
5 posts
Paulo Coelho es uno de los escritores más populares de nuestro tiempo. Sus libro...
Steve Jobs
9 posts
Steve Jobs was an American entrepreneur, inventor, and visionary who co-founded...
William Shakespeare
4 posts
William Shakespeare was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded...
Phrases to raise morale
13 posts
In difficult times, it's important to stay positive and motivated. These phrases...
Clever sayings
30 posts
Clever sayings are a great way to add humor and wit to your conversations. Wheth...
miss you quotes
7 posts
Missing someone you love can be a painful experience, but it's also a reminder o...
Friendship Quotes
121 posts
Friendship is one of the most important things in life. It's a source of support...
Indirect phrases
12 posts
Indirect phrases are a great way to express your thoughts and feelings without b...