Start the day with positive energy and don't let anything steal your joy. Good Morning!

Traducción: Empiece el día con energía positiva y no deje que nada le robe la alegría. ¡Buen día!

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También te deberían gustar estas frases:
Ver más
  • Have a great day!
  • Every day brings you a new opportunity
  • It doesn't matter the color of the sky. Who makes the day beautiful is you.

Good Morning!
  • Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
  • God be with you...
In every gesture. In every decision.
And may your Light and your Love shine in every prayer. Amen!

Good Morning!
  • Cover yourself with prayer, be filled with gratitude and start over ...
Whatever blessing is in your life, God will deliver you, and what is not, He will deliver you.

Good Morning!
Vea en otros idiomas:
  • Comece o dia com energia positiva e não permita que nada roube a sua alegria.

Bom dia!
  • Empiece el día con energía positiva y no deje que nada le robe la alegría.

¡Buen día!
  • Commencez la journée avec une énergie positive et ne laissez rien vous voler votre joie.



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