Nem todas as heroínas usam capa, nem todas as rainhas usam coroa e nem todos os anjos possuem asas. Minha Mãe é a prova disso.

Translation: Not all heroines wear cloaks, not all queens wear a crown, and not all angels have wings. My Mother is proof of that.

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See in other languages:
  • No todas las heroínas usan mantos, no todas las reinas usan una corona y no todos los ángeles tienen alas.

Mi Madre es prueba de eso.
  • Not all heroines wear cloaks, not all queens wear a crown, and not all angels have wings.

My Mother is proof of that.
  • Toutes les héroïnes ne portent pas de capes, toutes les reines ne portent pas de couronne et tous les anges n'ont pas des ailes.

Ma mère en est la preuve.


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